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Writer's pictureKatie Kay Graham

Not Doing Enough

Ever Feel Like You're Not Doing Enough?

Do you ever get done with a workout and feel like you didn't do enough? Or you should have done more? Or afterwards, you still didn’t feel good in your body?

Our fears show up in our wellness and will run the show without us even realizing it.

That sets us on a path of negativity, judgement, and resistance – and that just makes it that much harder to feel good and accomplish our body goals. So, what do we do about that? By acknowledging your efforts. It's as simple as that. If you can acknowledge your efforts and bring in an energy of love -- abundance, gratitude, and joy -- then that fear doesn’t have any space to take over. It’s about being aware of the fearful thoughts, forgiving yourself for having the thought, and choosing love instead.

The thing is, we all experience some of these deeper wounds and trauma left on all of us by the cultural matrix and standards of society. Feeling not good enough, feeling like we aren't doing enough, feeling helpless and unsupported. Every time we bring awareness to our fearful thoughts, it gives us an opportunity to choose again. Every little bit adds up, we begin to undo the judgements and bring in much needed positive energy. So when you acknowledge and really appreciate what you have put forth in any kind of effort, big or small, you can carry this energy into your day, into your body, and allows you to lead your wellness in a joyful and happy way.

You HAVE done enough. You ARE fully supported. You ARE fully taken care of. How does that feel? And how would that feel if you could say that to yourself?

Get ready to do some major acknowledgment – and you will see all the incredible, magnificent, amazingness of what you do and how you show up. With this energy and motivation, you will accomplish your desires, and realize your expansiveness goes far beyond what you thought was possible – for your body, life and sense of self. This is a path of love. This is a path of alignment. On this path, the real transformation happens. Get skyed!



Katie is a yoga instructor and host of the Body Breaking Free podcast an outlet centered around investigating wellness to open up new perspectives. In her own words, "Feeling good in my body has created so much expansion in my life. But it hasn't always been that way.

My body was telling me it was time to change, and I didn't even know it. In my early 20s I hit rock bottom when I fell into depression. I was struggling to control my body, trying to balance my schedule, and trying to lose weight. It eventually caught up to me, and it left me feeling completely dissociated and depressed.

The day I choose to let go of the control around my body, was the day I choose myself. I finally started to put myself first. It was that shift that changed everything. I stepped into my highest self and started to approach my body through authenticity, connection & expansion. It was slow journey with continual awareness, self alignment, and patience. But now I can be here to helping others, and share what I have learned as a yoga instructor and podcaster.

Want more? Join her at Body Breaking Free Podcast, free to listen.


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